
I finally had a chance to sit down and play with my CPC since I bought it last week. When it arrived I unboxed it and powered it on just to check it booted but I didn't want to sit and play with it until I was ready to start writing about it and reviewing the software I have for it. Since I love re-inventing the wheel, I obviously had to wait until I built an entire site to showcase my collection (which involved tweaking my own blogging engine). I also wanted to figure out how I was going to keep track of what's in my collection so I spent ages fiddling with databases, spreadsheets, etc until I settled on using Airtable (at least for the time being).

Anyways, I decided the first game I'd test out was Oh Mummy since I have strong memories of playing that game a lot as a kid. I won't spoil my review here but it was more fun than I thought it would be.

Here's a picture of the current setup:

Current setup

I even introduced my two kids to the system. I wasn't sure whether they would show any interest at all but they really seemed to like having a go.

My daughters playing the CPC 646